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European Journal of Psychotraumatology
- Behavioural profiling following acute stress uncovers associations with future stress sensitivity and past childhood abuse
- Adverse childhood experiences and ICD-11 complex posttraumatic stress disorder in Poland: a population-based study
- Living with grief and thriving after loss: a qualitative study of Chinese parents whose only child has died
- Agreement for posttraumatic stress symptoms among unaccompanied young refugees and professional caregivers
- Coping strategies used by migrant healthcare workers to support their mental health during COVID-19 in the United Kingdom: a qualitative analysis
- Protocol for remote Tai Chi and wellness for PTSD and pain in veterans
- Systematic review and meta-analysis: do best-evidenced trauma-focused interventions for children and young people with PTSD lead to changes in social and interpersonal domains?
- Family therapy and EMDR after child abuse and neglect: moderating effects of child attachment style and PTSD symptoms on treatment outcome
- The effectiveness of a remote intensive trauma-focused treatment programme for PTSD
- Gaza's hidden crisis: adults, children, and generations of psychological torment to come
- Post-traumatic stress disorder in peacekeepers: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis
- Fostering trust - a qualitative outcome study of psychodynamic group and individual psychotherapy for refugees with PTSD
- Beyond trauma: a review of content and linguistic characteristics of nontrauma narratives in posttraumatic stress disorder
- Application of life history theory to explain the association between childhood maltreatment and adulthood sleep problems in Chinese men with drug abuse: multiple mediating roles of emotion regulation, future-oriented coping, and anxiety
- Communication on familial suicide: development of the Family Communication on Suicide Questionnaire
Journal of Traumatic Stress
- Development of a codebook for the narrative analysis of in‐hospital trauma interviews of patients following stroke
- Examining the associations between posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters across cognitive processing therapy
- Association between the number of individuals injured in a traumatic event and posttraumatic stress disorder among hospitalized trauma patients
- Postpartum anger among low‐income women with high rates of trauma exposure
- What's in a treatment name? How people with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms interpret and react to PTSD treatment names
- When the attention control condition works: A systematic review of attention control training for posttraumatic stress disorder
- Conceptualizing disparities and differences in the psychobiology of traumatic stress
- An overview of diagnostics and therapeutics using large language models
- Walking the line between fidelity and flexibility: A conceptual review of personalized approaches to manualized treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder
- Engaging the child–parent relationship to treat early trauma: The challenge and promise of scaling with fidelity