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Här presenteras de senaste vetenskapliga artiklarna från föreningens tidskrift European Journal of Psychotraumatology och från andra utvalda tidskrifter som fokuserar på psykotraumatologi. Klicka på titeln för att läsa mera. Artiklarna i European Journal of Psychotraumatology är fria att läsa.
European Journal of Psychotraumatology
- Raising a child bereaved by domestic homicide: caregivers' experiences
- Predicting PTSD development with early post-trauma assessments: a proof-of-concept for a concise tree-based classification method
- Self-compassion, self-coldness, and social support and their relationship with depression, anxiety, and PTSD symptoms following a massive terror attack: a prospective study
- Bidirectional relationships among complex PTSD, dissociation, and psychotic symptoms in two samples
- Association between methylmalonic acid and prevalence of depression in US adults: evidence from NHANES 2011-2014
- Effectiveness in routine care: trauma-focused treatment for PTSD
- Towards a better definition of nociplastic pain conditions: a psychological grounded study on fibromyalgia, chronic headache and vulvodynia
- Examining attentional avoidance in post-traumatic stress disorder: an exploratory 'Face in the Crowd' paradigm using eye-tracking
- Impact of posttraumatic stress disorder and comorbid psychiatric conditions on suicide reattempts
- Using genomic structural equation modeling to examine the genetic architecture of PTSD and life satisfaction phenotypes
- Treating sleep disturbances in refugees and asylum seekers: results from a randomized controlled pilot trial evaluating the STARS group intervention
- Maladaptive appraisals and posttraumatic stress reactions in young terror survivors across 8 years: a random intercepts cross-lagged analysis
- Helpful but not enough: exploring participants' experiences of a digital therapist-guided prolonged exposure treatment for PTSD
- Imagery Rescripting (ImRs) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) as treatment of childhood-trauma related post-traumatic stress disorder (Ch-PTSD) in adults: effects on Schema Modes
- Psychotherapists' readiness to treat PTSD: the influence of refugees' country of origin
Journal of Traumatic Stress
- Linking pathological narcissism to posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans
- Data‐informed selection of evidence‐based treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder and co‐occurring symptoms
- Associations among sleep quality, cognitive processing therapy, and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in a primary care setting
- Correction to Predicting Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Caseness Using the PTSD Checklist for DSM‐5 Among Patients Receiving Care for HIV
- Differential associations between race‐based traumatic stress and major, everyday, and vicarious racial discrimination among young adults of color
- State of the Science: Evidence‐based treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder delivered via telehealth
- When the attention control condition works: A systematic review of attention control training for posttraumatic stress disorder
- The revised Clinician‐Administered PTSD scale for DSM‐5 (CAPS‐5‐R): Initial psychometric evaluation in a trauma‐exposed community sample
- Longitudinal associations among resilience, social isolation, and gender in U.S. Iraq and Afghanistan–era veterans
- Association between the number of individuals injured in a traumatic event and posttraumatic stress disorder among hospitalized trauma patients