Webinar I: Intensive treatment for PTSD in practice

Webinar I: Intensive treatment for PTSD in practice

19 jan 2022
17:00 - 19:00

Länk till evenemanget
Mera information och anmälan

Detta webinarium är en del i en webinarie-serie som European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) anordnar under januari och februari 2022.

Trauma-focused psychological treatments are considered firsthand choice for the treatment of PTSD. To reduce drop out and enhance treatment compliance, researchers and clinicians have turned their interest to modifications in the format they are delivered. More specifically, if more intensive or massed format would provide a way to reduce that problem and still be efficacious. In this webinar, you will get a short update the evidence base for intensive treatment formats and get insights in how to conduct these practically.


Suzy Matthijssen, Utrecht University & Ad de Jongh, University of Amsterdam

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