Webinar I: ESTSS Recommendations on Mental Health and Psychosocial Care during Pandemics

Webinar I: ESTSS Recommendations on Mental Health and Psychosocial Care during Pandemics

18 nov 2020
17:00 - 18:30

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Detta webinarium är en del i webinarie-serien Trauma-informed Responses to Covid-19: A New ESTSS Webinar Series on Meeting the Psychosocial Challenges of the Pandemic som European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) anordnar varje onsdag mellan 18 november och 16 december 2020.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, a series of studies have been initiated to provide evidence for the negative impact of the pandemic and associated measures to contain the spread, on mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of the general population and particular at-risk groups all over the world. The emerging evidence highlights the need for appropriate responses. ESTSS developed a package of recommendations, based on the TENTS guidelines, on mental health and psychosocial support during pandemics. While the TENTS guidelines provide evidence-based guidance at the different stages of a crisis – including pre-, during- and post-crisis periods, the newly developed package of the ESTSS recommendations takes into consideration an unusual dynamic, prolonged, cyclic, without foreseen closure, of the current pandemic. The webinar provides an opportunity to reect on the challenges for mental health that COVID-19 poses and how we, as a European community of psychotraumatologists can contribute to reduce the negative effects on mental health and psychosocial outcomes.

Aims of the webinar

To discuss stress-related consequences of the ongoing pandemic in the light of the newest evidence, outline the ESTSS strategy to address issues of mental health and psychosocial wellbeing related to COVID-19 and inform relevant stakeholders about the need for trauma-informed and trauma-specific responses in the management of the pandemic.


ESTSS Responding to COVID-19 Task Force: Jana Javakhishvili, Vittoria Ardino, Maria Bragesjö, Evaldas Kazlauskas and Ingo Schäfer

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