Webinar III: Trauma and Journalism: Responding to increased aggression and threats to journalists

Webinar III: Trauma and Journalism: Responding to increased aggression and threats to journalists

02 feb 2022
16:00 - 17:30

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Detta webinarium är en del i en webinarie-serie som European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) anordnar under januari och februari 2022.

Several recent incidents of journalist killings in Europe have shook up the public and made aware that there is an increased aggression against journalists and the media community in general.

We aim to put together a 4-person panel of journalists, researchers and mental health experts. In this panel webinar we want to learn about (1) journalism as a high risk profession for physical safety (threat to life) and traumatic exposure, (2) personal, occupational and societal factors that shape the outcomes of the exposure, and (3) what our mental health community can do to contribute to justice for journalists.

The aim of the webinar is to create awareness about the increased unsafety for journalists, its effects on personal health and on the sense of safety in greater society, and ways to support and advocate for journalists.


Sanne Terlingen (Speaker) is an award-winning investigative reporter from the Netherlands.

Trond Idaas (Speaker) is a Special adviser at the Norwegian Union of Journalists, specializing in the work environment, the safety of journalists, and media policies. He is currently pursuing a PhD at Åbo Akademi University (Finland) in post-traumatic stress among journalists.

Professor Jana Javakhishvili, PhD (Speaker) is a Professor of Psychology and Director of the Institute of Addiction Studies at the Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Dr. Joanne Mouthaan (Moderator) is senior assistant professor and educational coordinator for the Clinical Psychology Department of Leiden University, the Netherlands

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