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European Journal of Psychotraumatology
- A preliminary study of disaster media use as a coping mechanism and the psychological impact of the 2014 Sewol ferry disaster
- Exploring meaning in life as a potential target for early intervention - results from a randomized trauma analogue study
- Mediators of change in a condensed online exposure-based intervention provided soon after trauma: insights from a randomised controlled trial
- Brain connectivity disruptions in PTSD related to early adversity: a multimodal neuroimaging study
- Salivary testosterone is associated with feelings of senselessness and self-dislike in women with borderline personality disorder
- Preliminary study of the role of social support in cycles of intimate partner violence
- Trauma web-based psychoeducational programme: systematic cultural adaptation and protocol for a feasibility-acceptability study
- Factors associated with posttraumatic stress severity and treatment response in a retrospective, naturalistic sample of homicidally bereaved children and young people
- Sexual violence research across levels of the social ecology: from the individual to the societal
- Cross-cultural validation of the Clinician-Administered PTSD scale for DSM-5, child and adolescent version in Japan
- On the concordance between CAPS-5 and PCL-5 scores
- Trauma exposure and ICD-11 PTSD and CPTSD in a Greenlandic adolescent population
- Protecting Emergency Responders with Evidence-Based Interventions (PEREI): protocol for a randomized controlled trial for early career emergency responders, significant others, and supervisors
- Evocation of positive memories as complement to trauma-focused cognitive-behavioural therapy for intimate partner violence against women
- A pilot study of a scalable training programme for coaches delivering webSTAIR
Journal of Traumatic Stress
- Accommodation of posttraumatic stress symptoms: A scoping review of the literature
- Cultural group and self‐construal moderate the association between expressive suppression and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms
- Longitudinal associations among resilience, social isolation, and gender in U.S. Iraq and Afghanistan–era veterans
- Development of a codebook for the narrative analysis of in‐hospital trauma interviews of patients following stroke
- Examining the associations between posttraumatic stress disorder symptom clusters across cognitive processing therapy
- Association between the number of individuals injured in a traumatic event and posttraumatic stress disorder among hospitalized trauma patients
- Postpartum anger among low‐income women with high rates of trauma exposure
- What's in a treatment name? How people with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms interpret and react to PTSD treatment names
- When the attention control condition works: A systematic review of attention control training for posttraumatic stress disorder
- Walking the line between fidelity and flexibility: A conceptual review of personalized approaches to manualized treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder